
Sunday, 31 March 2019

Teaching Inquiry using Data

March 2019 PAT Comprehension Stanine Distribution for Priority Group (8 Boys)

How have my priority group performed in the first Reading comprehension PAT?
12.5 % achieved above curriculum level
25% achieved at curriculum level
62.6 % achieved below curriculum level, achieving stanine 2,3 and 4

My task now was to find ways  to address the high percentage in the below category and see how we could together turn those results around , so that whatever positive comes from this area of learning can have a positive effect on their writing.

The PAT Vocabulary data showed that:

25 % of the priority group attained statine 5, but 75 % of them failed .(Attaining stanine 4)
It was encouraging to note that none of those who failed, had attained below stanine 4.

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